
MY name is John C. Kreuz and this blog is my thoughts on anything automotive related. Reviews of cars, new and old, stories of my past driving and car-related experiences and any kind of automotive news or humor that I can get my hands on. I hope you enjoy and feel free to give me your input.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Finding a new job.

So, the reason why I haven't been posting in the past couple days is that I've been trying to apply for an Automotive Journalist job at a large website. The ad said that they needed a "brief bio" and three sample articles writed in their "style." I read a few of their articles and they were really dry and full of technical jargon. I could not find any opinions or personal comments on any car they talked about. I thought that this was their style, so I wrote three articles and threw in the Mustang review for fun.

Turns out, THAT's the only review the guy liked. I spent days writing a long bio of myself and scratched it because they wanted a "brief" one. I figured that I would do EXACTLY as they say because I've learned that following directions is the KEY to becoming a success. Once you can follow directions properly, you can give directions.

So, I gave him a copy of the Cadillac review. Hopefully, I will get signed on. I'm not sure how this all works, but I have to keep writing in my own style and I'm sure I'll go far.

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